Humans of Perk Valley Jewish Student Union

PVHS recently launched its Jewish Student Union with the first meeting taking place on February 20th. Sophomores Charles Pavlow and Jessica Weinberg are the club presidents after driving the preparation and communicating with administration.

“Our goal for the club is really to create a space for Jewish learning and inclusion for anyone interested in cultural education. We want to be a safe place to talk about anti-semitism and create a more culturally diverse school.” Pavlow said. 

Motivated by recent occurrences, the duo recognized the imperative to showcase Jewish heritage and offer a forum for students to discuss issues such as anti-semitism.

“Knowing really when people talk about safe spaces or hatred, the amount of antisemitism is something unheard of at the level it’s happening, especially at places like Ivy League colleges,” club adviser Dr. Gelman said.

During the initial two meetings, attendees engaged in open conversation about current events, such as a recent anti-semitic episode at UC Berkeley, and shared Challah, a traditional Jewish bread significant during Shabbat, the weekly Jewish day of rest. 

Meetings are held biweekly, typically on Tuesdays, after school in Dr. Gelman’s room, room 130. The next meeting is scheduled for March 19th. 

For the upcoming meetings, members are optimistic of the future. 

“We are very excited about the future of this club and what it may hold,” Pavlow said. “Our expectations are mainly just to grow the club and expand our message.”