Decision Day starts new tradition at PV

On April 25th, Perkiomen Valley High School ignited the spirit of celebration as seniors and their families gathered in the stadium for a momentous occasion – PV’s first Decision Day. Organized and run by Mrs. Behl and Mrs. Kott, this event marked a pivotal moment in the lives of these graduating students, encapsulating the diverse paths they are about to embark upon.

Decision Day transcends mere college acceptances; it’s a commemoration of every senior’s journey, whether they’re stepping into the workforce, pursuing vocational training, joining the military, or heading to college. From 8:30 to 10:30 AM, the stadium was adorned with laughter, music, and pride as students captured memories, shared their stories, and reflected on their futures. 

“We knew we had to bring this celebration to PVHS,” Mrs. Behl said. “It’s a time for seniors and their families to come together and celebrate their achievements and future plans.”

One integral aspect of this celebration is the pvcolleges24 Instagram account, organized and run by senior Kailie Jordan. This platform allows students to showcase their plans for the future, including the college they’re attending, their major and potential minor and their athletic pursuits. These posts will be prominently displayed on the stadium scoreboard during Decision Day.

“I decided that I wanted to run the pvcolleges24 Instagram account because I wanted to be able to give my classmates the opportunity to share with their peers about what they plan to do with their future, whether it’s attending college, going into the workforce, or joining the armed forces,” Jordan said.

Meera Thoniyil, a senior who committed to a college abroad, shares her experience with the pvcolleges24 Instagram account.

“I wanted to share my decision with all of my friends and peers and I thought the PV colleges page was a cute way to do that,” Thoniyil said. “I’m excited to really just be with my friends and soak in the memories of all of us together before we go our separate ways into college.”

The future of Decision Day holds hopes for increased participation and festivities.

“I hope that we can get refreshments out there, and maybe some cornhole boards, but most of all, the hope is 100% participation moving forward, because every single senior deserves to be celebrated,” Mrs. Behl said.

As Perkiomen Valley High School prepares to bid farewell to its graduating seniors, Decision Day serves as a celebration of achievements, camaraderie, and the bright horizons ahead for each individual.