indoor percussion prom scheduling issues

A conflict in scheduling between Perkiomen Valley’s long-awaited prom and the World Guard International (WGI) percussion competition has left members of the indoor percussion ensemble feeling disappointed.

The problem presented itself when it was announced that the day of the prom coincided with a percussion competition hosted by WGI, forcing members of the ensemble to make difficult sacrifices.

The competition, known for highlighting talent from around the world, had been scheduled long before the prom was scheduled, raising questions as to why the conflict existed at all.

According to some students, the school’s decision to proceed with prom despite knowing about the conflicting event was met with confusion. “It was kind of annoying because I feel like the school could have seen that and been like, ‘Okay, we can’t put it on this day’,” said Malachi Engle, a member of the indoor percussion ensemble.

Despite the inconvenience, students and staff members made the best of the situation. “We made it to semi-finals for the first time,” said Engle, proud of the accomplishment.

While some students chose to prioritize prom over the competition, others expressed frustration at having to make such a difficult decision. “I had to leave early to go to prom, and the event was in Ohio so it was an 8-hour drive back,” said Engle.

Because of this situation, questions have been raised about the scheduling process and its consideration of extracurricular activities when planning events. Suggestions have been made to prioritize events like prom over less significant activities that can be rescheduled.

“I feel like it makes more sense to put it [prom] over something that can be moved, like an after school practice, or something like that instead of a 1,500 dollar event that students can’t really skip.”

This recent situation has shown the importance of careful planning and consideration when scheduling school events, ensuring that all students can participate in and enjoy every aspects of their high school experience to the fullest.