Music Effectiveness

Did you know that music can have a major impact on your perception of life? Multiple studies suggest that music can help solve problems regarding people’s mental health and performance in everyday life. Music has the ability to bring people together by forming social bonds and creative relationships.

Research has shown that music can improve the ability to retain information and can reduce stress and anxiety, which many people, especially students, tend to suffer from. Music has helped lower the level of dejection students face on a day-to-day basis because its ability to convey complicated feelings profoundly resonates with people. Many artists write music inspired by their problems and transformative experiences that have impacted their outlook on life.

Perkiomen Valley High School students on the yearbook committee have chosen to have this year’s edition centered around the theme of music.

“We decided that music was a universal theme many students can relate to. Almost everyone listens to music no matter what genre, so we thought it would be a great subject,” Elle Dunner, a senior on the yearbook team, said. 

They have now taken it a step further by having students contribute a lyric that holds personal significance. This addition to the yearbook helps students take a deeper look at their classmates and learn about them from their chosen lyrics. 

“I think that without music, life would just be total emptiness. I listen to music every day and would be so bored without it,” senior Cole Lester said. “Music has helped me with everything. I could not do life without music.” 

From personal experiences, PV students show music’s effectiveness in changing people’s perception of the world around them. 

“There would be a lot of dead silence in the world and awkward silence. It has affected my life because I listen to music that puts my life into perspective, and I believe there is a song for every mood I am feeling,” Swiftie Madison Munns said.

Music significantly impacts the lives of people all around us. People create deep connections to music and rely on it for a safe place to go in a time of need. The perspective of which song a person chooses to listen to can be affected by the people around them and the struggles that a person may have.Music Effectiveness