Rebecca Wezner’s Simple Tides Co.: A Quarantine Hobby Turned Business

In 2020, people across the globe started new hobbies to occupy their time amidst the chaos of COVID-19, from puzzle-making to book reading and so on. For senior Rebecca Wezner, her quarantine boredom inspired a newfound passion for jewelry making, ultimately leading her to create her own small business, Simple Tides Co.

Intrigued by the idea of creating something, Wezner asked for jewelry-making supplies for her birthday. Little did she know that this seemingly inconsequential request would evolve into a thriving business. 

“I sent stuff to my family and my uncle, who has businesses. Once they saw the potential, they encouraged me to open up an Etsy shop,” Wezner said, reflecting on the unconventional origin of Simple Tides Co.

Wezner’s journey into jewelry making wasn’t just a creative outlet—it was a desire to spread joy during a challenging time. Her initial motivation expanded beyond her close circle as her uncle believed that more than just friends and family would appreciate her creations.

“At first, I just wanted to gift people things during COVID to make them happy. Since my uncle lives far away, he thought that more than just my close family and friends would want stuff,” Wezner said, emphasizing the communal spirit that fueled the beginning of her business.

Balancing school and business, Wezner prioritizes academics while dedicating nights and weekends to her craft. 

“I spend most nights planning new jewelry ideas and packaging orders. What the future could be is what motivates me. I continue doing all my school and working on my business so I can make a good future for myself,” she says, highlighting the commitment she has put into turning a passion into a business.

The heart of Simple Tides Co. lies in its diverse, waterproof, beach-themed jewelry. Wezner’s creations span from bracelets to necklaces, rings, and earrings, with each piece created for a unique occasion.

Beyond the success of her business, Wezner cherishes the connections and friendships that have blossomed along the way.

“My favorite part of owning a business is the people I’ve met through it. S-ince I go to events and talk to people on social media, I have made a lot of connections and new friends with similar interests,” she said.

Wezner’s advice to fellow students contemplating uncommon paths is simple yet profound: “Just go for it. You’ll learn a lot about yourself and become more motivated to do both school and your passion.”