PVGS Overcame Obstacles While Keeping Spirits High

The goal for PVGS this past season was to build for the future while also aiming to win games. 

 “The goal is to compete for districts,” said Ms. Paulus, head coach of the team. “We have a great group of girls this year who get along super well.”  

Challenges however have persisted, “we’ve had some illnesses due to Covid and game postponements, but have been relatively fortunate,” Coach Paulus said.  The team has also had to face a lot of injuries this year “there have been challenges with injuries and they’ve been good with rolling with the punches.”  

Star players for the team this year were juniors Lilly Tremba and Emma Stankunas who are team captains along with Dorothy Hashire, and Rylie Pinkerton.

 “As captains, Dorothy, Rylie, Emma, and I are meant to help lead our teammates on the field and off, while also representing what PVGS is all about,” Tremba said. “We work with each other and the team to make sure the team is working hard, being positive, learning how to improve our game, and having fun!”

The girls team started the season 8-10 and were 4th in the PAC conference liberty division standings at 4-6 in conference games. This means that they have improved their record from last season of 3-9 in conference games.

 “In the beginning of the season, we had a lot of injuries that really hurt us. Some of our starters were out for a couple of games, and everyone on the team really stepped it up to fill the gap,” said Lily Tremba. “Younger players were up to the challenge, and we were able to keep finding success despite our injuries. Now everyone is healthy for the most part, and looking to close this season strong with some final wins” 

Another learning curve this season was the youth of the team.

“The team this year is younger than it’s ever been before. The varsity squad is mostly sophomores and juniors, which makes it tough to play against older, more experienced opponents,” Tremba said.

While their youth may have led to some struggles early in the season, it is also a huge advantage for the future.

“On the other hand, we’ll have more time to play together with the same core group of girls, so we’ll be able to really mesh on the field looking into next season. This year’s been really special because the team has been able to bond so well, and we’ve all had so much fun together.” 

Throughout the season the team was able to fight through many injuries and increase their chemistry as a young team. This is something they hope to carry into next season.

“Myself and the other captains are all juniors, so we’re not sure what next year holds for us, but whatever it is will be best for the team,” Tremba said.