Shamrock Shake, Overrated?

It’s a nice crisp 40 degrees outside as I slide up to the drive thru, not so cold that I can’t enjoy the milkshake, but not too hot that anything cold will seem like the best thing ever and cloud my review. I quickly look over at the McDonald’s menu before I order, and decide to order a meal of chicken nuggets and fries, to see how well the shake goes with food. 

After I pull out of the drive thru, I wait several minutes before taking my first sip, so I can judge it with the food. However, from viewing the shake it looks very pleasing, the mint mixes well with the vanilla to seem cool and sweet, perfect for drinking. 

After I get back to my house and take my first sip, it’s fine. At this point the shake had melted slightly for several minutes so that may have changed the flavor a bit but in general, it’s just not the best shake ever. 

I should make it clear at this point that I’m not a huge mint fan and it’s clear that the mint mixes well with the vanilla for big mint fans, so there’s a reason it’s popular, but it may also be overrated. The drink in general is good, it mixed well when dipped with the fry for a nice salty-sweet mix and by itself. 

However, after getting over the novelty of it, and the fact that McDonald’s only brings it back for about one month every year, it’s not the greatest shake on earth, just an alright  milkshake. 

The story of the Shamrock Shake is interesting. It was created in 1967 by Hal Rosen, a McDonald’s restaurant owner, in celebration of Saint Patrick’s day. It was an instant success and, in 1974, sales from the shake helped build the first Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia. 

The first house was built when Fred Hill, a player from the Philadelphia Eagles, daughter was being treated for leukemia. The Philadelphia Eagles and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia all chipped in together with the help of the funds from the Shamrock Shake to build the first Ronald McDonald house to be able to keep families together during tough times.  

Back to the shake. When polled, 16 out of 20 people said they enjoyed it. 

“Honestly the shake is overrated. It is ok, it tastes good for the first few sips, but after that it is like minty mik,” Declan Gintz, a freshman from Perkiomen Valley High School, said. 

The milkshake, while good, simply isn’t great. If granted the chance to order it, go ahead. It’s only out once a year and tastes pretty good. However, if not given the chance to try it, don’t sweat it.
