Halloween ends, Christmas begins

The most anticipated time of the year, the Christmas season: new-fallen snow sprinkles the ground, stockings are hung from the chimney with care and Santa finally comes to town. However, the most wonderful time of year is not without its controversy. Namely, people often disagree about when it is appropriate to start celebrating. When should radio stations begin playing Christmas music, and stores start selling ornaments? There is only one correct answer: when the clock strikes midnight on October 31st. As “Thriller” by Michael Jackson moonwalks away, Mariah Carey’s iconic voice echoes in, signaling the onset of the holiday season. 

Some swear by waiting until Thanksgiving before rocking out to Jingle Bell Rock on repeat, but only five countries acknowledge Thanksgiving as a national holiday. On the contrary, over one hundred sixty countries celebrate Christmas nationally. Why should places like Japan, which do not recognize this holiday, have to wait an additional twenty-three days to start hanging up their wreaths and jamming out to festive music? While in the United States, Christmas music peaks on the charts around Nov. 13, it spikes worldwide on Nov. 1. This is a clear sign that most people agree Christmas celebrations begin far before Thanksgiving—you can enjoy your turkey and then go visit Santa at the local mall.

This year, mall Santas began working on November 4th at the Cherry Hill mall, and many other locations followed shortly after. Target starts putting out their limited edition Christmas supplies in mid-October. It’s undeniable that corporations understand that the Christmas season starts far before December 1st, as reflected through their fast-evolving stock supply keeping up with the increasingly earlier consumer demand. 

Before you say Bah humbug to putting up decorations on November 1st, allow your heart to grow three sizes bigger and embrace the holiday spirit.