Change of Scenery for the Fall Play

Perkiomen Valley’s 2023-2024 play is called “S.N.A.P.” which stands for “Scenes Not A Play.” This year the play is taking place in the high school auditorium instead of Middle School East’s auditorium. The play is being directed by Ms. Lisa Eskin who has directed the fall plays in the past. She contributed to the decision to move the fall play to the high school as well as Mrs. Georgio, a chemistry teacher at the high school, and Ms. Dee, one of Ms. Eskin’s friends who is also helping with the play.

The group decided to move the play venue because last year the high school recently renovated the auditorium. ” If they continue to invest in making this a venue unless it’s a show that requires a larger stage, I am perfectly content having the show here,” Ms. Eskin said. While there are positives and negatives to both venues, one of the biggest perks of the high school auditorium is that the students don’t have to walk to Middle School East anymore for rehearsals.

With a different play, the rehearsals are too. While in the past, the play has had all of the students come to the rehearsals to work on the scenes together, this year they get to choose which rehearsals they participate in as long they are not required. “The flow of stuff has been great and the actors and actresses have been pulling their weight.” Lucas Eskin the student director said. 

One of the downsides to the venue change is the lack of space. In addition, the crew has been having some technological issues with the change of scenery. With the change of scenery Even though there have been some issues with the space; the cast, crew, and other volunteers have worked hard to set everything up as needed. “There have been challenges because it is a new venue and some things still had to be set up but there is an amazing team that they are working with. Lots of people in the building and volunteering time,”  Ms.Eskin said.